On September 4, 2007, BandiPat wrote:
> On Tuesday 04 September 2007, Ron Eggler wrote:
> > > > Yes,
> > > >
> > > > I think i'll try Suse 10.3 beta as soon as available. This is I
> > > > guess my only chance... or doesn anyone know of a live CD using
> > > > kernel 2.6.22?
> > > >
> > > > Ron
> > >
> > > =========
> > > Hey Ron,
> > > Yes, get the Zenwalk LiveCD 4.6 as it uses the 2.6.21 kernel, which
> > > should give you some idea.  I just remembered, we only got 2.6.22
> > > with the upcoming release of 4.8.  I suppose you could always get
> > > the 4.8 beta to try, but that needs to be installed.  The LiveCD
> > > will provide gparted also, so you can partition your drive.  Let me
> > > know if you want the 4.8 beta and I'll give you a site to download
> > > from, but just follow the link in my sig for LiveCD.
> > >
> > > Let me know how it goes!
> >
> > Cool yup, will try this for sure, thanks :)
> >
> > Ron
> ==============
> Oh, a thought just struck me too.  If when booting the LiveCD appears to
> hang, leave it to run.  I've noticed on Intel machines it has to go
> through a long period of locating or setting up or something to get
> going.  Not sure what it is about the Intel stuff that causes that, I
> try to use only AMD if possible and I don't see that happen.  There
> have been a couple of times I quit the boot up because I thought it had
> locked up, but then realized it only happened with Intel stuff.
> Lee

Okay, i downloaded this live CD but it doesn't go further than the language 
choice and then the choice to start the "Live CD" either. I only have a 
choice of "Live CD" and "Live CD with graphics in safe mode" (or something). 
Whatever i choose, I only see "initrd.gz......................." before my 
screen goes blank and it gets stuck as if i booted with knoppix or 
opensuse10.2. Do you got any "magic" boot loader command? Or i don't know 
what i can do now... i'm stuck...just bought a new PC and i don't wanna get 
used to Windows Vista now where i finally got linux running even on my office 
work station. :) Help is still appreciated!


chEErs roN
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