Hello SuSE people,

This is especially for you guys/gals that run 3or 4 os's on a big hard drive. 
How do you handle the primary and extended partitions? 

A while back I purchased a 250 GB Sata drive, intending to install different 
os's and or versions of SuSE. I installed 10.2 on my shiny new drive but I 
stupidly partitioned 3 primaries,  /,  /swap, and /home, and used the fourth 
primary for the extended partition. Dumb move - Out of partitions with about 
150GB of free space. (I run 10.0 on another small IDE drive)

Now, I guess I could move my /home and /swap into the extended partition to 
free up two primary partitions. Hopefully that would give me access to the 
rest of the unused space on the drive. I always liked having my /home on it's
own partition to guard it from mishap.  Now, here are some of my questions:

Is the /home as safe residing in the extended partition? I could never delete 
or change the extended partition because they would wipe out /home - right?

Is it a good idea to have /swap on the extended partition? Do you use the 
same /swap for all of the os's? (e.g. like my /swap for 10.0 on the IDE 

How do you manage to run 3 or 4 os variants on just 4 primary partitions?

Love to hear your individual strategies. 

Anxiously awaiting the final 10.3 so I can try Compiz-Fusion, Beryl whatever 
and be able to fall back to 10.2 when I screw it up.

Bob S.
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