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The Tuesday 2007-09-11 at 00:15 -0400, Bob S wrote:

> cfdisk will do it !!  Thanks so much ! All the remaining 167GB of free space.
>  I had never heard of cfdisk and was afraid of what I would do so I studied 
> the man page over and over and then tried it.  It will work. (Wonder why Yast 
> partitioner won't?)  What it will do is create sda10 a logical partition of 
> 167GB of all remaining free space which I am assuming will push the extended 
> partion out to the end of the disk.  I didn't do it because I am afraid to do 
> it on my running system ( a concern?) and I didn't want a partition of that 
> huge size, and I don't see (yet) a way to create several smaller partitions. 
> Can that be done in cfdisk? I suppose I could go to the yast partitioner and 
> resize it. but that may make the extended partition shrink. I dunno yet. But 
> I am very happy that I have that space back for when I go to install 10.3.

I think you can safely create that big partition, and then, if you want, 
delete it in Yast and create smaller partitions. This should not shrink 
the extended partition again (usual disclaimers apply, blah, blah, blah).

Notice: beware of adding too many partitions! If you have more than 16 you 
will not be able to install suse 10.4 (yes, that's a four).

- -- 
       Carlos E. R.
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