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Carlos E. R. wrote:
> The Monday 2007-09-17 at 09:26 +0100, G T Smith wrote:
>>> Because in OOo I can't use tables with relations in read/write mode, only
>>> read.
>> Nope, I can do data entry without too much of a problem from the
>> database view. Clunks a bit however....
> I can write to single tables, not those with relation active. I'll try to 
> explain again...
> My Library "Libros" table (simplified) is shown like this:
>    Title                Author_nm
> ------------------     --------- 
> Robots and Empire         1
> Rendezvous with Rama      2
> I can create a new entry, but I have to look up manually the number of the 
> corresponding author, and write up the number, not the name. Do you 
> see what I mean?
> This is useless.
> I can create a table view, that combines two tables, like this:
>    Books            Authors
>   -------          ---------
>    Book_ID    +---> Author_ID
>    Title      |     Author
>    Author_ID -+
> Now, the view shows correctly:
>    Title                Author
> ------------------     ---------
> Robots and Empire      Asimov
> Rendezvous with Rama   Clarke
> But it is Read Only. Again, useless.
> Do you understand the problem now?

I understand the problem.

I have a form with a sub-form linked via an index... Whenever I select
an entry in primary form I see all relevant entries linked in the
sub-form... Can edit and update records in both form and sub-form...,

Table structure is roughly

Table A

Index, data

Table B

Index, Link to A index, data

Form to Sub form relationship based on linking field 1 to field 2...

Your structure implies a read only join...

Adding a new subform entry is clunky... and adding primary entries is
definitely very clunky indeed (when committing a new entry tend to keep
ending up on first record in table, so you have to go to the last entry
and continue from there).

> All the above works perfectly, and much faster and with less complexity, 
> with Rekall.

- --
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