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Carlos E. R. wrote:
> The Tuesday 2007-09-18 at 09:42 +0100, G T Smith wrote:
> I need a manual for dummies... O:-)

I do have the OpenOffice.org for Dummies book ... bloody useless
on this aspect ....

>> <snip>
< more snip>
>> However a question remains.... how do you handle something like?...
>> Programming Perl, by Larry Wall, Tom Christiansen & Jon Orwant ...
>> :-)
> Gotcha! Ie, "gotme". O:-)
> I don't have a good solution. What I have is two more fields named "second 
> author" and "third author". The complex one would be another linked table:
>   index to book     index to authors
>   ---------------+-------------------
>      1                 10
>      1                 11
>      1                 23
>      1                 47

Tend to use the latter kind of "link table" a lot... I have come across
a number of references to fields holding array values, but at the moment
MySQL does not support this. Postgresql apparently does. Suspect this
may also be a bit beyond the ordinary user...


>> On the other hand I
>> would definitely not consider OpenOffice for your requirement.... The
>> two things have somewhat different focuses.
> Pity.


> I think of OOo as a replacement for M. Office, and this is a thing Access 
> could do quite easily. I don't like Access (I have been bitten by it), but 
> I can't deny the user and design interface are good, for me at least.

Define easy :-| with Access one spent as much time dealing with effects
of the last patch as dealing with getting Access do something one
expected.. I have also used used Lotus Approach which although radically
different from Access was highly usable. Lotus Script was/is very tidy
which is more than I can say for the Access Basic Scripting... Main
complaint I have with OpenOffice is the scripting documentation is very


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I have always wished that my computer would be as easy to use as my
My wish has come true. I no longer know how to use my telephone.

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