
I have a nuisance in Thunderbird.

When I try to send an email via my provider smtp server, it discovers it
needs a password and asks for my master password. I type it, but by this
time the smtp session timed out in the server (I guess) and fails.

I try again, and this time Th. asks for my smtp password and whether I
want to keep it. Why? He already knows that! This is a nuisance, because
I use random passwords difficult to remember and have look it up.

Is there a way to make Thunderbird remember my password for ever and not
ask for it again, even if it fails? I want to be able to enter the
password in the configuration, not as a pop up when I want to send or
receive. I do not want to be asked again if it fails, because once
configured the password it keeps being correct.

      Carlos E. R.
      (from RC1)
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