On 9/22/07, Clayton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This isn't 100% about openSUSE... but thoguht it was interesting
> enough to share with the group here.  I just spent a very busy and
> interesting weel in Barcelona at OOoCon 2007.  Novell/SUSE was quite
> visible... and the only Linux vendor in sight.  Maybe that is due to
> the massive amount of work that Novell contributes to the OOo project.
>  There were loads on openSUSE10.2 DVDs floating around, and I know of
> a few people who are now very interested in openSUSE as a result of
> tinkering with the DVD that was handed out.
> Something I observed... A few of the presenters (outside of the Novell
> guys) were running some variation of SUSE.  All the SUSE guys had
> (generally) no problems at all when they connected their laptops to
> the projectors.  It just worked.  The guys who were running Ubuntu had
> resolution issues... switching to the projector was... very
> problematic for them.  It was nice to see SUSE just working.. and a
> few people noticed and started asking a lot of questions (to me
> anyway)
> Hubert Fuguiere's presentation on OfficeOpenXML and Novell's work on
> it with OOo was quite interesting as was Noel Power's presentation on
> VBA and OOo.  The video of the presentations aren't all up just yet,
> but once the KiberPiper guys get home and process the hours of video
> they made it will be here:
> http://ooocon-kiberpipa.kiberpipa.org/media/index-2007.html
> Probably the most fascinating (and also the hardest to understand) was
> the stuff from Red Office 2000 (the Chinese presenters).  If you get a
> chance, take a look at what they did to make the Chinese version of
> OOo.  They totally reworked the UI, and the first question that was
> asked was... "Is there an English version?"  I wonder of some of the
> concepts they came up with could be applied to Linux in general?
> Anyway... it was an amazing conference... and it was nice to see
> openSUSE so visible.

Great to hear! Thanks for sharing :-)

Kind thoughts,
Francis Giannaros   http://francis.giannaros.org
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