primm wrote:
> It's true. It is impossible to get people to change from using office with 
> xp. 
> They will not use vista either. Yeah. read it again.  Somehow microsoft has 
> instilled in them that this is the only way to write a document and send 
> e-mails. They will _not_ change to Linux or vista. windows 98 is just fine 
> however. They hate those superb cast iron IBM keyboards that we all love. 
> They want proper plastic keyboards and a mouse with a wire. The menus are not 
> in the right place in openoffice anyway they will tell you. They feel safe 
> with xp and office. In the real world thats what there is. I'm dealing with 
> housewives who do word processing on a part time basis. They simply cannot 
> change. To them, Openoffice and Linux is a joke.
> Lynn x
Seein' as how M$ isn't supporting XP anymore, what would happen if you
had a hardware failure and *had* to install the latest 'offering' from
M$ on new hardware?   These housewives would be forced to learn new
tricks, wouldn't they?   Seems to me they should be given the
opportunity sooner, rather than later, while you still have options.   
Once a real failure occurs, you lose data, have no time to learn new
methods and 'where the right places' are for the menus and such becomes
an emergency lesson in frustration.   A machine old enough to be running
XP is also old enough to start having mechanical failures (memory, disk,
etc) so while the girls in the office may like the old coffee pot, when
it fails, they will eventually accept the new Mr Coffee, even decide it
makes better coffee after all.   The joke will be on them when this all
happens and you can prevent it by being calm, knowledgeable and assertive.

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