On Wednesday 03 October 2007 12:59, Richard Creighton wrote:
> *this* is the epitome of the Linux mentality vs the Windows mentality
> being demonstrated graphically.    With Windows, you reboot to cure
> everything, to install anything, to reset everything, to reclaim leaking
> memory, someone sneezed.   With Linux,  to reboot is almost like selling
> your soul to the devil, something done only when replacing the
> motherboard or a memory stick or a sunspot induced power failure :)

Hehe - I don't know whether this is praise or scorn :-)  The main reason for 
not rebooting is that I usually have about 50 windows open, and reopening 
them all is a pain .....

Re Basil's point, this is a nVidia GeForce 7600 GT.

Pob hwyl / Best wishes

Kevin Donnelly

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