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Anders Johansson wrote:
> On Sunday 07 October 2007 14:23:50 G T Smith wrote:
>> Unfortunately if you can disconnect a resource, you can also reconnect
>> something else at the same point, and that could be a security issue. If
>> the location is taken it makes it more difficult (but not impossible) to
>> hijack.
> No you can't, because linux will only allow you to mount things as a user 
> when 
> permission is explicitly given in fstab. Which means the worst they could do 
> is remount the same resource
> If you think this is wrong, please give a concrete example of how it could be 
> done

What you say is true if you make the assumption that a workstation is
used by a single person only, or network resource access requirements
are fairly static on the workstation. /etc/fstab is a good secure
mechanism for(workstation based) global resources allocation, and on a
single user workstation can be used effectively for access to
personalised networks resources as well. While it is there it is nearly
impossible to break.

There are other environments where the above assumption are not the
case, and the /etc/fstab mechanism becomes inadequate.  In an
environment where people hotdesk rather than people being allocated
their own machine in particular, one starts hitting a number of problems
particularly in relation to cifs on *NIX (NFS does not really present a

If users have personalised resources on cifs shares the administrators
life has the potential to get rather interesting in this scenario.
Unless one wishes to create an /etc/fstab entry for every possible user
of a workstation, which is a potential administrative nightmare with
cifs (the maintenance of authentication credentials is a probable show
stopper in its own right here), the immediate option is a /etc/fstab
based configuration that could reduce administration by using a common
home mount point and a mechanism to correctly mount the users resources
at that point.

However this does present a practical problem in that for this to work
the user needs some sort of localised root access.  One of Linux's
strengths becomes a weakness in that for certain classes of activity one
needs a level of access that exceeds that which strictly required. In
effect one can find you have to break the security that the /etc/fstab
mechanism provides by removing its protection in order to get this to
work. In this situation another level of control is required to ensure
that some changes are not allowed to happen, (or at least take effect).
This is what I mean by there being a possible security issue.

The obvious alternative approach of entering via a common server
directory and using server access rights to limit visibility presents
other issues in a mixed Windows/Linux environment.

pam_mount on paper should deal with this issue for common connections.
(it also does not require /etc/fstab entries according to the
documentation), and is potentially a much neater way of handling a user
login to a cifs share as a home directory and disconnecting when the
user logs out. However, as at the moment I do not think it can deal with
conditional mounts. so in a situation where a user has access to
resources not only defined by who they are. but their role in the
organisation, and where they are; this on its own is not a complete
solution. (Fortunately few have to worry about this one).

At the momemt AFAIK a network level of control is only an option with
Windows based workstations running with AD or NDS. (IIRC Kerberos was
part of the athena project to bring this together for *NIX world a
couple of decades ago but to what extent it is now more than
authentication mechanism I am uncertain about).

In some ways it is fortunate that Samba is most often used to integrate
*NIX server resources in a largely Windows environments at the moment.

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I have always wished that my computer would be as easy to use as my
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Bjarne Stroustrup

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