On Monday 08 October 2007, anker wrote:
> Hi All, after my second download and still the same result ie no GUI is
> starting, so I'll need help with this problem.
> Net download from http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/10.3/repo/oss
> working fine both times.
> Yast2 working in txt mode also appears to be fine.
> At end of first boot startup the display flashes 3 times with about 5 sec
> interval in an attempt to start the x-server ending with a msg gui failed
> to start followed by more similar msg about the x-output log and indicate
> the mouse is not configured correctly and last that gdm need to restart
> after correction is done.
> Mause+keyboard is a wireless Logitech connected to standard ps2 input.
> Sax2 attempt to start its own gui which also fails.
> Swop of ..config with the ..config.install produce a display with a moving
> pointer but other wise not useable, as
> The section for the mouse is quite different.
> The display and the Nvidia seems to be correctly detected. I'll try sax2
> from runlevel 3 otherwise I need some input on where to look.
> anker


The same or similar problem happens with me. I also have a mouse/keyboard 
wireless Logitech, as you connected to PS2, and after installation no GUI. 

sax2 show me a message "no pointer device" (or something like) and then abort 
when running it in text mode. Then I connect another mouse, a Logitech USB 
and run sax2, and config the video. Finnaly, remove the USB mouse and all 
work normally. What is happen I don't know.


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