Seems my table got messed up for whatever reason. Lets try again:

                 Posix 10.0   UTF8 10.3   Posix 10.3
                 ==========   ========    ==========
Dhrystone        335.6        339.1       326.9 ok
Whetstone        198.4        203.5       201.7 ok
Execl            658.3        576.3       573.1 -13%
File Copy 1024   534.6        481.0       480.9
File Copy 256    455.2        354.5       353.8
File Copy 4096   588.3        717.4       736.2
Pipe Throughput  468.1        277.6       283.3 -40%
Context Switch   554.3        384.1       385.4 -31%
Process Creat   1000.2        782.7       770.5 -23%
Shell Scripts1   873.0        343.8!!!    721.0 -17%
Shell Scripts8   893.6        331.7!!!    724.6 -19%
System Call      903.8        333.7       336.7 -63%!!!
                ------       ------      ------
Index Score:     568.9        397.3       450.6


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