On Sun, Oct 14, 2007 at 03:40:58PM +0200, nordi wrote:
> I wrote:
> >Ian, you should modify all tests to use the same 
> >language settings everywhere, because otherwise the results are pure 
> >bogus.
> The question is: Should we use POSIX or UTF8? If we use POSIX the 
> results are somehow unrealistic, because everyone uses UTF8 nowadays. If 
> we use UTF8, we cannot compare to older systems that do not support it.
> >And then re-run the benchmarks on 10.2 and 10.3 and we will 
> >hopefully see a performance _increase_ for 10.3 ;)
> Hm, my results are not really what I had hoped for. More testing shows 
> that 10.3 still seems to be much slower than 10.0 on my system:
>               Posix 10.0      UTF8 10.3       Posix 10.3
>               ==========      ========        ==========
> Dhrystone     335.6           339.1           326.9   ok
> Whetstone     198.4           203.5           201.7   ok
> Execl         658.3           576.3           573.1   -13%
> File Copy 1024        534.6           481.0           480.9   
> File Copy 256         455.2           354.5           353.8
> File Copy 4096        588.3           717.4           736.2
> Pipe Throughput       468.1           277.6           283.3   -40%
> Context Switch        554.3           384.1           385.4   -31%
> Process Creat 1000.2          782.7           770.5   -23%
> Shell Scripts1        873.0           343.8!!!        721.0   -17%
> Shell Scripts8        893.6           331.7!!!        724.6   -19%
> System Call   903.8           333.7           336.7   -63%!!!
>               -----           -----           -----
> Index Score:  568.9           397.3           450.6
> The first two only do calculations and they are ok, some jitter, not 
> more. The last ones (syscall, pipe, switch, create processes) have a lot 
> of kernel involvement and score very low. The shell scripts also make 
> heavy use of pipes, which might explain why they still score much lower 
> for 10.3 than for 10.0, even though LANG=POSIX is used on both systems.
> Somehow this does not look right. The kernel in 10.3 seems to be _much_ 
> slower than in 10.0. Maybe someone forgot to activate some optimization 
> in the kernel config?

Can you run "oprofile" on them and see where time is wasted?

Ciao, Marcus
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