On Sunday 14 October 2007 17:23:07 houghi wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 14, 2007 at 09:58:02AM -0500, Bryen wrote:
> > 4)  Ok now I have to turn my sights on the oldies here.  :-)  While
> > mistakes are clearly being made by us newbies, please do bear in mind
> > that in fact they ARE newbies.  The angry tone and threats to filter out
> > does no good to the spirit of the forum itself.  Give people a chance to
> > adjust.  Saying "I do not even answer topposters"... what did that gain?
> Yes, oldies are tired of asking politely over and over again to please not
> toppost. Some people still keep topposting. Stating they they are
> killfiled is not an angry tone, it is a polite way of ecplaining what you
> are going to do.

And some oldies are just sick to death of this whole discussion which seems to 
me to be far more annoying than the top posts themselves

Grow up

Madness takes its toll
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