When trying to upgrade my system trough 'openSUSE updater' or the '#
zypper update -t package' command I get the following error:

>2 Problems:
>Problem: No valid solution found with just resolvables of best
>architecture. Problem: Cannot install wesnoth-data-base, because it is
>conflicting with wesnoth-data

>Problem: No valid solution found with just resolvables of best
>architecture. With this run only resolvables with the best architecture
>have been regarded. Regarding all possible resolvables takes time, but
>can come to a valid result.
>Solution 1: Make a solver run with ALL possibilities.
>  Regarding all resolvables with a compatible architecture.
>number, (r)etry or (c)ancel>  

The easiest solution would be to delete wesnoth-data, but since I am
here to learn I wonder what other ways does openSUSE offer to handel
dependency conflicts? And what is a 'solver run'?



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