On Sunday 28 October 2007, Dennis E. Slice wrote:
> I am helping someone learn about computers who wants to use Google
> Earth. I am unfamiliar with the program, but a linux .bin downloaded and
> seemed to install cleanly. Starting it, however, only produces a Splash
> Screen, an "Intializing" message in the toolbar, and massive amounts of
> unending CPU usage.
> Are there any secrets to get this to work?
> Is it supposed to open a browser or something? Not at all sure what to
> expect.
> IBM Thinkpad T41
> SUSE 10.0
> Firefox (if it matters)
> TIA, ds
> --
> Dennis E. Slice
> Department of Anthropology
> University of Vienna
> ========================================================

It sounds like it's failing to initialize GL rendering.  What are you using 
for 3D rendering?  As I recall the T41 has an ATI chip.  Are you using the 
Mesa rendering or the ATI driver?

Don't worry - I used to have a T41 running on OpenSUSE 10.2 with the Mesa 
rendering running GoogleEarth quite smoothly.

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