On Tue, 2007-10-30 at 13:57 +0100, Igor Jagec wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-10-30 at 11:44 +0100, Aniruddha wrote:
> > I have noticed this behavior on multiple machines. It takes a lot of
> > time to finish "Cleaning repository 'Packman Repository' cache". Any
> > ideas what might be the problem?
> Yeah, I noticed that too. Especially when I want to do some trivial
> stuffs with Yast2 (such as changing date and time), since Yast2
> sometimes reads package database. Anyway, maybe your question is for
> Packman mailing list.
> BTW a question to Yast developers, why Yast2 does that? Sometimes that
> can be very annoying.
> Cheers!
I agree.  Yast2 seems to want to scan repositories even during functions
that have nothing to do with software management.    

As for Packman, it is a pretty big repository, thus longer scanning and
initialization.  I tend to disable that repository (and others) and
enable it only when I want to look for something on Packman.  It is
annoying to have to remember to turn on and off repositories all the
time.  Sometimes, I just want to go to Software Management just to see
what is currently installed, and not have to scan the repositories.

As for the time changing, this was a bug which is claimed to be fixed
with 2.16.  But, even though I told them it isn't, they still consider
it fixed.  (shrug)

Bug 327336 - https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=327336


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