On 10/31/2007 08:26 PM, Stan Goodman wrote:
>> In Yast2 boot loader, or etc/sysconfig Editor.
>> In case you have never done this, you would log into the rescue system, then
>> mount the root partition of the drive, i.e. mount /dev/md0 /mnt
>> (Not sure if these are still needed in 10.3 or not)
>> mount -o bind /proc /mnt/proc
>> mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev
>> mount -o bind /sys /mnt/sys
>> cd mnt
>> chroot /mnt
>> That will put you into your old system as root.  To run Yast2 ncurses
>> mode, run yast.
>> to exit out of your change rooted system, type exit.  Then shutdown -r
>> now to reboot.  HTH.
> Many, many thanks. I'm sure it would have taken me a long time to acquire all
> of that by myself. But logging into Rescue involves getting past the demand 
> for
> an ID and password; I have tried using "root" and the PW that I have been 
> using
> as root in normal use, but these don't fly. What does it want?
I just rebooted to double check, and it only prompts for user.  It does
not prompt for a password.  User is root.  It is not that hard with the
above instructions.  Are you saying yours IS asking for a password?  The
rescue system has worked the same way since I have used SUSE (6.4).  I
have a hard time believing yours works differently than mine.  I am
using the DVD x86_64 flavor.

Joe Morris
Registered Linux user 231871 running openSUSE 10.3 x86_64

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