Hi Brandi,

BandiPat wrote:
> ===========
> That's not really true Eberhard.  The 8.28.8 version supports his card 
> and xorg 7.2.  They just never changed their listing above 7.1, but it 
> did support it.  
This is great news. Thanks much!!

However this is the very first time I hear that they work. I tried for
my live in Ubuntu and SuSE and never ever got something working with
8.28.8 and SuSE 10+ resp. Ubuntu 7.04+. Also I never ever heard of
someone getting it working properly but I heard of numerous people not
having any success, just like myself.

So how to you do it for, say a 9200 and SuSE 10.3 ?

The later drivers, as Jim points out, support only
> 8500 and up cards, so his 9000 should have no problems. 
Where do you get this from?
I can only find and confirm that the latest drivers work from Radeon
9500 and higher.

 I'm guessing
> the newer drivers also support up to & beyond xorg 7.2, so that also 
> should provide him his needed support.

Yes, but also for, say a 9200 ? How do I successfully do the installation?

  Since AMD has decided to
> opensource their drivers, plus all the additional work they've poured 
> into them lately,
Indeeed this is great. But the results of this
-yet need to show up
-bear no indication that they will yield better support for older boards.

 I suspect nvidia is going to have a hard time keeping
> up, unless you want to be tied to proprietary drivers.  That's not what 
> Linux is about.
Well this is a matter of your viewpoint.

I am desperately looking for drivers that support my 9200 in a
comparable way to the way windows supports it.

As far as I can see there is none. Had I been wise and bought Nvidia
back when, I would not need to discuss these things here.

And it simply works. If this means that Linux is about "it simply works,
but it is proprietary", bluntly, I do not care. ;-))

> Now having said that, Jim, you are probably going to get only minor 
> improvements by using the ATI driver on that card.  It's well supported 
> with the radeon/ati driver built into xorg already.  I haven't used the 
> ATI driver for a very long time on either my 9200 or 9600 cards.  3D 
> performance is quite good.  

Well, I can only say that 3D performance is adequate for tuxracer and
the like but it is definitely not useable for the latest and greatest
eye candy in regard to compizfusion.

So, Jim, you decide what you want to deal
> with on your setup, but you should be good either way.
> regards,
> Lee

Thanks much in advance for showing us how to make it work with the older

kind regards

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