mukul wrote:
> All those people who are trying to take this to a personal level seems
> to have been offended by the subject line : "Bye bye opensuse". Well, I
> did post the logs yesterday and no one bothered to have a look at it
> (not that you are obliged to), but "Bye bye opensuse" has attracted a
> variety of responses, good as well as bad.

This is because most Linux guys think that "their OS" is the best around
and each one is correct. ;-))
> Anyway, I have now done a clean install of 10.3 and am keeping my
> fingers crossed.

Good luck with your new installation and just let us know how it works.

Should there be no answer within a days time, you either need to buy a
support contract to get guaranteed response times. Alternatively,
cheaper, simply use a subject line like this one. ;-))


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