David C. Rankin wrote:
> Aniruddha wrote:
>> Sorry for top posting but this an perfect example I just received in my
>> mailbox:
>> -------- Forwarded Message --------
>> From: martin glazer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: Aniruddha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Subject: Re: [opensuse] Bye all
>> Date: Sat, 3 Nov 2007 17:04:59 -0700 (PDT)
> If it's all the same, I kinda liked you. Top posts and all. Just
> remember, if people were actually shot for top posting the Armenian
> Genocide would pale by comparison.
> If you do go, the sad part is, you will not find a better distro no
> matter how hard you look. Software (I've tried just about all of them)
> or community (on balance).
> Give things a day or two and then you make an informed decision. This is
> a great community.
> an aside, mindless dribble or philosophy, you decide: "remember there
> are assholes in every group, the bigger the group, the more assholes
> there are..." (not directed to anyone in particular)
I fully agree and the secret is to not let them bother you.

On a side note:
If I look at the packman mail dialogue that the OP cited, I come to
think that some people are crazy, to say the very least:
You reasonably cannot expect service levels, immediate support, security
policies and much more, anything delivered immediately and for free,
since this is Linux and therfore it needs to be for free...

If you need such features, you either need to use an enterprise
distribution and pay for what you get or you better stay with Windows,
where you get what you deserve. ;-)

just my $0.02

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