make sure your DNS works properly this usually happens when reverse
lookups are broken in my experience, that is most likely the cause,
there is a setting you can disable if you will not have a good working
DNS in your environment, I believe it is the GSSAPI options, if you
google search with " slow ssh logins GSSAPI options" not in quotes you
should see some hits.
But, having a good DNS is the best answer. 

On Mon, 2007-11-05 at 16:46 +0100, Johannes Nohl wrote:
> > I guess you perform
> > all the updates and the prob seems to disappear (at least it did so in
> > my case!).
> I don't think so. Which version are you using?
> # rpm -q openssh
> openssh-4.6p1-58.1
> Could it be related to unauthorized logins? There are some in the log
> but not all the time while I tried to login. Btw. "# ssh localhost"
> delays, too.
> frustrating.

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