G T Smith wrote:
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James Knott wrote:
Damon Register wrote:
Jack Malone wrote:
Just wondering what ntp servers people here prefer to use. I have
done a google search an get a list of the public servers but wanted
to see which ones people here on the list use.
I noticed that no one else has mentioned this so I would like to
add a suggestion.  One of our sysadmins here at work tells me
that good time is important to DNS servers so he suggested just
using the ISP's DNS server for  your NTP server.  Anyone else
have any comments on that?

Aside from the fact that my ISP doesn't provide NTP on the DNS server,
why is DNS time so critical?  DNS is simply a database lookup function.

But are not inter DNS server updates time stamped?... I would expect a
DNS server to reasonably well time synchronised... but I would be
surprised it acted as an ntp server as well...

I'd expect any server to have accurate time, but I doubt any server synced via NTP would be off enough to be critical. As for whether the DNS server supports NTP, well that's entirely up to whoever sets up the servers. In offices, it may be common to have one server do several tasks, such as DNS, DHCP, NTP and other functions too.

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