On 11/07/2007 07:26 AM, Adam Jimerson wrote:
> I am running KDE 3.5.8, and KDE is set up to auto mount things such as a 
> flash 
> drive, when I plugged in my flash drive the KDE deamon came up and asked what 
> I wanted to do and listed:
> Open in a new window
> View Images with Digikam
> Do nothing
> When I told it to open in a new window konqueror came up and then I got this 
> error message "hal-storage-mount-removable no <-- (action, result)".  KDE 
> fail to auto mount it like it should, after I mounted it by hand everything 
> worked like it should but it would be nice to have auto mount working again.  
> Is this a common problem with Hal or has any one else at least had this 
> problem before? 
I worked on this just yesterday.  In summary, what I did was to edit
/etc/PolicyKit/PolicyKit.conf (check man PolicyKit.conf).  I added

<match user="(my user name)">
  <return result="yes"/>

in between the config lines, putting my username above.  It worked. 
Interestingly, this is on a machine I installed as a new install (except
for home).  Here at home, on 2 machines that were upgraded from 10.2,
that is not in PolicyKit.conf, but automounting still works fine at
home.  Both the upgraded still have a permissions.d folder left over
from 10.2, but they are empty.  Anyway, HTH.

Joe Morris
Registered Linux user 231871 running openSUSE 10.3 x86_64

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