> > Anyone have any insight on this?  Or know a good resource on finding
> > out what is stuck in the swap space?
> top
> [f],[p],[Space]
> then
> [F],[p],[Space]
> Mind the case of the "f"
> You'll get the process list with the most swap at the top.

Hmm that was quite interesting.  I discovered a couple leftovers
hanging around from a failed experiment with Joost.  Cleaned them out.
 Swap use dropped a little... but it almost immediately went to the
max available swap

swapon -s
Filename                                Type            Size    Used    Priority
/dev/hda2                               partition       4192956 4192956 -1

These are the top swap using processes now:

145m mythbackend
142m ekiga
121m mysqld-max
116m firefox-bin
110m nscd
85m amarokapp
77m mythfrontend
55m pidgin
53m kmail
53m httpd2-prefork

Nothing too extreme... there is more of course, but nothing that adds
up to anything near the total physical RAM I have let alone the swap.

I can't do a swapoff either.

swapoff /dev/hda2
swapoff: /dev/hda2: Cannot allocate memory

which I assume is because swap used is greater than available RAM, and
the swapoff attempts to move whatever is on disk back to RAM?

As soon as I start anything that tops off the available RAM space
(launch a VMWare session for example), performance plummets... which
makes sense since there is no swap partition available.

I know.. I could just reboot... I probably will.  It just seems so
wrong that this is the only solution I can find to freeing up the lost
swap space.

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