Hans van der Merwe wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-11-12 at 11:11 +0100, Eberhard Roloff wrote:
>> Hans van der Merwe wrote:
>>> Hopefully the fact that AMD is now on the open source bandwagon will
>>> convince me to go back to ATI in the future.
>> Not for me, I prefer to buy where I am treated like a worthy customer.
>> Eberhard
> True, unfortunately, being a Linux user for the last 7 years, I have
> grown accustom to being a second class customer.  If I had a cent for
> every weird look I got in a computer store asking if it supports Linux,
> I'll have enough to buy MS and release all the source.
> Later, Hans
> ps. maybe a XP user can trade me for an old nvidia card.
I also get these weird looks all over the place. Personally I came to
the conclusion that it is easier to never buy anything that is brand new
and do enough research on your own to make sure that you never buy
anthing that is unsupported.

However I never fail to mention "Linux" wenn I'm there. I also mention
"Linux" when I am buying something for windows.

After all, the more they hear from it the easier they might get use to
it and listen. ;-)


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