David C. Rankin wrote:
> Carlos E. R. wrote:
>> Yep, I never update using the suseupdater applet. I simply notice the
>> red color, then fire up the full fledged qt style YOU. This one at least
>> tells you there is a conflict. That way I wasn't catched this time.
>       I second Carlos' wisdom. Just use Yast -> Software Management ->
> Package -> All Packages -> Update if newer version is available.
>       This way, you not only get all security updates, but you can keep all
> packages updated as well. There is always the risk of a bad package, but
> I have yet to be burned by any package management problem using this method.

sure, but how does this resolve the specific zypper update problem?
You either choose not to update or you decide to update.

If you update, you will be burned, if there was a bad package. If you do
not update, you are not burned but you are "behind".

Being burned now, I chose to not blindly trust the updater, instead wait
a few days, if something bad turns up.

This way, I will likely not be burned easily, but I also will need to
bear the risk to live longer without  security fixes.


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