Robert Smits wrote:
On Friday 23 November 2007 03:17:40 Thomas Goettlicher wrote:
Hi everyone,

we want to redesign the YaST Control Center. Therefore we are looking
for a radical new design.

This is your chance to share your ideas regarding YaST Control Center.

Please feel free to contribute with mockups and (unconventional) ideas

Hi, Thomas. Thanks for asking us about what we'd like to see.

All I really want is for YAST to be faster, especially at downloading updates from repositories.

How do you propose that YAST improve network communication speed?
Is there reason to believe that YAST downgrades the network
connection when it's downloading updates?


Well, then it's picking up information from the repositories
as fast as it can be pulled out of the network card.

And why does it have to download a whole new list if I used it earlier in the day?

I'm not convinced I WANT a radical new design. I don't, as a rule, care all that much for change for change's sake,


It amounts to nothing more than wasted effort, when there
are more important things to work on.  I'm so glad I didn't
install 10.3, because it appears that the SuSE team released
the product WAY before it should have been.  The sorts of
problems reported on this list are more of what I expect
in a Beta-version or (at most) an x.0 release.

>                                 but if you give me a better Yast,
I'll learn it.

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