On Tue, 2007-12-04 at 16:45 +0100, Neil wrote:
> Hi
> I live in the Netherlands, and we can drink beer and buy weed at 16.
> We have to wait to 18 to drive though.
> I would say this is a good sequence. The "drinking till you drop" has
> been tried before you are allowed to drive a car, and everyone knows
> where their limits are by then. Most do not care about these limits,
> but they know the effects of alcohol.
> Then again: my country is so small you can reach about everyone while
> walking backwards on your hands on broken glass while blindfolded, so
> there is no great need to be allowed to drive a car between 16 and 18.
> I do not know enough of neuroscience to say wether it's wise to drink
> a shitload at 16.
> It apears to be wise to be allowed to buy weed. The Carver (something
> in between a motorcicle and a car) is verry cool and could only be
> invented in a country where weed is allowed (Top Gear said it).
> Neil

Perhaps it's time to stop the thread: it makes me thirsty ;-8
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