On Wed, 2007-12-05 at 16:32 +0000, Matthew Stringer wrote:

> If swap is a major issue you've clearly not got enough RAM ;)
If you (accidentily, or just once a week) need more memory then actually
is in your system, swap will take care of it in a gentle way.
Most of the time you will not even notice it.
Without swap, OOM (Out-Of-Memory) wil give you a rude awakening.
Just adding more mem (instead of some swap) is a waste of resources, or
making your services/products too expensive.

You are correct, but only in case the system is constantly use a lot of
swap. SWAP usage is something to be minitored constantly with tools like
cacti/nagios/opennms. If you use it too much and too often you have to
buy more mem, or re-adjust XEN-parameters for your DOM-U

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