On Dec 12, 2007 5:25 AM, Jan Holesovsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Greg,
> On Sunday 09 of December 2007, Greg Freemyer wrote:
> > I find this hard to believe, but I'm able to repeatably lock my GUI
> > (KDE) via oocalc and a simple "file - save as" command.
> >
> > If I cntrl-alt-F2 and use that console to kill oocalc associated
> > process, everything is working again.
> >
> > Very strange.  Do other people have this problem?
> >
> > I'm running OO 2.3.0 build from the Open Office Build Service.
> As others is this thread suggested that it could be something with the X
> driver, what graphics card/driver are you using, please?
> [Please, keep me cc'd, I'm not on the list.  I'm interested because I am the
> author of the KDE Save As dialog in OOo ;-)]
> Regards,
> Jan

I'm happy to keep troubleshooting if you have any specific suggestions, but ...

The problem went away after a couple of hours.  I had not done a
software update, so it was not due to a fix.  The problem was simply

Currently it takes a couple seconds for the "Save As" dialog to show
up.  Not sure if that is normal or not.  I'm new to truly using the
KDE as my office desktop.

When the problem was occurring, the dialog box never opened.  And I
could generate it by simply typing oocalc in konsole, then clicking
file-save as.  No debug messages were displayed in the konsole tab.

I'm guessing that clicking "Save As" caused something in the KDE event
processing logic to stall.  The mouse would move, but I got no
feedback when I clicked on various things.

The only keyboard activity I noticed that worked was cntrl-alt-F2, and
also alt-tab.

If I used alt-tab to select most of the things I had running, then no
effect from that either.

OTOH, if I used alt-tab to select a konsole program I had running, it
came to the foreground and I was able to interact with it by typing
commands.  I don't remember trying to change to different konsole tab.

Hope that helps,
Greg Freemyer
Litigation Triage Solutions Specialist
First 99 Days Litigation White Paper -

The Norcross Group
The Intersection of Evidence & Technology
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