On 2007. 12. 12., Wednesday 15:16, Ken Schneider wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] pecked at the keyboard and wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I have a problem related to the creation of pdf files. It works,
> > technically, but the resulting file has lots of spacing problems. Words
> > are broken up as if extra spaces were inserted. E.g. I open
> > http://www.opensuse.org/ in konqueror, then Location -> Print -> Print to
> > File (PDF). Then I open the pdf file I created and e.g. in the top left
> > corner text is broken up as "op ensuse.org". Also, the bottom of some of
> > the characters are misaligned, like the l ("el") is visibly higher than
> > the n in the word "Download". Printing the pdf file on paper gives the
> > same results so it's not just on the screen. The same happens when
> > printing from OOo also. All this happened in opensuse 10.2. I also tried
> > opensuse 10.3, which gives a different output, but also contains spacing
> > and aligment probles (e.g. in 10.3 the n is higher up than the l in the
> > word "Download").
> > Tom
> Can't help with konqueror but with OOo try exporting directly to PDF
> instead of printing to PDF. I use this all the time for a club
> newsletter and it works great.

Printing to a PDF file is not available in OOo so I exported directly to PDF 
as you suggested. The problem in OOo is different, though, from the one in 
konqueror. I tried to print the exact same text with the same fonts as in 
konqueror but the results are fine. In case of OOo I got bad results so far 
only when using "Arial black" and also set to bold. Can you please try what 
you get if you do the following: create a new document, only with the 
word "Download" in it. Set it to "Arial Black", size 12, export to pdf, then 
look at the pdf file with at least 200% magnification.
What I get is "Downl oa d", ie. there are extra spaces before and after "oa". 
Funnily, if I print "load" only, then it's fine.
Does anyone else get the same result?
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