Chris Arnold wrote:
I am gonna try to explain this as clear as possible. I have an IBM thinkpad T43 
and it has that other OS installed. It
also has the "recovery" part on the hard drive that i do not want to
destroy (as they did not ship recovery cd's with this system). I want
to install suse 10.3 onto this ibm laptop without destroying the
"recovery" section of the drive. The last time i tried this, i could
not figure out how to do this without wipping-out the recovery section
on the drive. Can anyone explain how to do this without formatting the
entire drive?

if you happen to have windows vista, it's very easy: vista knows howto shrink its partitions. So create one for Linux. no matter where it is.

after that, openSUSE installs without problem. Do *not* try the expert partition mode if you are not an expert (and if you where you had not posted this question), this is the better way to lose something.

Of course, much better backing up your recover partition if possible - my acer had the utility to di that (and I burned it twice)


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