On Monday 24 December 2007 05:54:30 pm Carlos E. R. wrote:

> >>> If a plumber connects a hot water system wrong it can explode an
> >>> destroy the computer downstairs as well as half the house.
> >>
> >> It seems that I'm missing something, but forgive me and let me now how
> >> that can happen.
> >
> > Boilers requires a specific trade to install & service, because when
> > water heats, it expands and releases steam, which cause a significant
> > increase in pressure.  A boiler that ruptures under pressure is
> > comparable to a bomb.
> In my country, hot water systems do not boil the water. And there is a
> relieve valve.

The same is here.
The original statement that triggered my question is picked up from some radio 
add for union plumbers. Something on the line with, they are more expensive, 
but they know what they do, you are not in danger. 

The fact is that boiler (water heater) comes preassembled with thermostats, 
burners, or electrical heating elements, and pressure relieve valve. All 
plumber has to do is to connect heater to pipes. He is responsible if water 
pipe ruptures flooding the house, if customer burns hands expecting cold 
water, but not a bit if water heater assembly fails. 

If ever water start boiling, but relieve valve doesn't work, there are copper 
pipes that will rupture before main (heater) tank. I'm not sure is there 
intentionally created weak spot on the tank that will rupture before there is 
serious danger for the house. There is one on each steam cooker, it should be 
on water heaters too. 

Those engineers. 
They have thought on everything to minimize effect of failed elements. 

I don't underestimate good tradesman knowledge and time needed to learn the 
job, I highly regard those that are good in their trade, but number of 
knowledge elements (facts) that one needs to learn plumbing is similar to one 
that is needed for only fair (not good, not thorow, not deep) understanding 
of computers. 

That is the main point of my comment that if doctor doesn't know plumbing that 
is fine, but it is not if he doesn't know computers. 

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