On Thursday 27 December 2007 21:41, Rajko M. wrote:
> > > Then you can create an script in /etc/cron.daily/
> >
> > Will it run every day, even if the system is suspended to disk at the
> > nominal scheduled time?
> Once before it was running 15 min after boot if it missed schedule.
> I don't know about wake from suspend.
        Yes, the purpose of cron.daily [on suse] is that the computer does not 
to be on at the specified time... it will get run when the computer is turned 
on...within 15 minutes...  and this should include wake from suspend... but 
test it... 

   In general though, this takes scripting... which suse has done for you. 
Typically cron will only run if the machine is on, and only at the specified 
times. The scripting works by having cron check every 15 minutes and then 
against a directory called 
   for files that have been touched... like cron.daily.

   If the cron.daily file exists then its been run, otherwise run it.  

Kind regards,

M Harris     <><
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