On Friday 28 December 2007 22:59, Aaron Kulkis wrote:
> Alfredo Cedeño Borges wrote:
> > Can somebody please help me to do this?
> > TIA (Thanks In Advance)
> Oh, here we go again.
> Are you, or your users, so befuddled by computers
> that if it doesn't look EXACTLY like a Mac, you're
> incapable of using it???
> Why are you doing this -= it's an insult to the
> entire community which has built this from
> scratch, most of whom were never paid a single
> cent for their work -- now you have to further
> deny them even the moral support and credit,
> by trying to pass of their work as that of Apple.
> How long have you been in the habit of slapping
> people who give you useful things as gifts which
> you actually value and use?

Not to start the flame war again, but isnt KDE reminiscent of Windows?
And why cant Alfredo be allowed having his desktop as he wants it?
Isnt that what themes is all about?
Why else would we have gazillion different ones???

Alfredo, if you please clarify your needs/wants a bit further we might be able 
to point you in the right direction a bit more accurately...


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