On Monday 31 December 2007 08:02, Carlos E. R. wrote:
> The Monday 2007-12-31 at 13:24 -0000, Dave Howorth wrote:
> ...
> >
> > $man rsync
> > ...
> I know that, but that's not what I want. I want compressed storage.

Rdiff-backup seems good. I've been using it (via Keep, which I _DO NOT_ 
recommend) and it has saved my butt once, in a big way. Because of 
Keep's problems, I also have over a year's worth of hourly snapshots of 
my project. (Thank good for capacious disk drives!)

Keep's problems include:

- Your scheduling options are ignored and it runs hourly
- Your retention options are ignored and all backups are kept
- The magnitude of the retained backups makes it impossible for Keep to 
perform a restore.
- Several KDE programs, most notable KMail, are locked out of editing 
and sending during the period each hour when Keep (via one of the KDE 
low-level components) runs rdiff-backup.
- Keep runs rdiff-backup at at point in the hour determined by when you 
logged in.
- Keep doesn't run rdiff-backup when you're not logged in to KDE (maybe 
a good thing, maybe not).

I'd schedule rdiff-backup some other way, probably cron.

> --
> Cheers,
>         Carlos E. R.

Randall Schulz
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