On 2008/01/05 20:50 (GMT+0530) Shibu Basheer apparently typed:

> I have a new installation of Open Suse.  I find it to randomly shuts
> down, just like someone accidently presses the power button, or issue
> the shutodown command.   There are no prompts, messages or anything,
> just starts shutting down closing everything that I've been doing.

> Any ideas on how to isolate this problem?  BTW, this has happened on
> another computer, but AMD CPUs, only common component was the memory,
> and a TV card.

One possibility is an erroneous indication of CPU overheat. If you know how
and your BIOS provides the means to do so, you can underclock your system by
about 25% to see if the problem stops. If it does, you'll have to
troubleshoot the cause of the erroneous indication. IIRC, it is caused by two
daemons both trying to monitor CPU temp at the same time.

Another possibility is TV card related. TV cards seem to demand a lot of
power, maybe more than your power supply can reliably provide. You can
temporarily remove the card to see if this is your problem.
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was
with God, and the Word was God." John 1:1 NIV

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