Anders Johansson wrote:
> On Saturday 05 January 2008 21:40:14 Philippe Landau wrote:
>> Anders Johansson wrote:
>>> On Saturday 05 January 2008 21:02:53 Philippe Landau wrote:
>>>> Cristian Rodríguez wrote:
>>>>> "The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education." -
>>>>> Albert Einstein
>>>> His plagiarism interfered just as much.
>>> Rule number 1 on cranks and crackpots: a paper that only quotes secondary
>>> sources and encyclopaedias is not written by a competent person
>> If you like sources maybe refer to:
>> The Manufacture and Sale of Saint Einstein
>> by Christopher Jon Bjerknes 2006
>> or
>> The Einstein Hoax - The Disastrous Intellectual War On Common Sense
>> (H.E.Retic 1997)
> I said primary sources. And Bjerknes also claims that special relativity is 
> wrong, not just plagiarised, so he's clearly a crackpot
> Learn to evaluate your sources
You can either erect dogmas or advance science.
Galileo broke a dogma but was no crackpot.
Labelling messengers of differing insights as "crackpot" and "crank"
are indicators of someone loosing a debate.
The catholic church is famous for smearing Galileo for example
when their fraudulent dogma was exposed.

Einstein's theories are flawed and if you look up his
1905 paper you will see that he does not credit the sources
he plagiarised:
"E = mc2 can be attributed to S. Tolver Preston (1875), to Jules Henri
Poincaré (1900; according to Brown, 1967) and to Olinto De Pretto (1904)
before Einstein. Since Einstein never correctly derived E = mc2 (Ives,
1952), there appears nothing to connect the equation with anything
original by Einstein."
The sources are detailed in the papers quoted above.
Of course you won't touch them because they are works of "Crackpots" :-)

Cognitive Dissonance arises when you build your life on lies
and discover they are lies, you tend to hold on to them
so as not to loose all you strived for and the sense of your life's
work. This happens all the time. Discovery of Bush's involvement in 9-11
is a prominent current example gripping many. Science is advanced by
those able to let go once a theory is replaced by another one better
supported by emerging evidence.

Kind regards     Philippe
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