Erik Jakobsen wrote:
> Erik Jakobsen wrote:
>> As the subject tells, I suddenly cannot get an URL in Thunderbird opened
>> in Firefox.
>> Nor in any other browser I have (Konqueror)
>> This should be understood, that nothing happens if I click on the URL.
>> What could be the culprit ?
> Hello again...
> I still cannot open url's in thunderbird, and from there Firefox.
> Nor other browsers opens. I have to copy/paste.
> Thunderbird is version
> Firefox is version
> The problem has not always been there
> What could be wrong ?
Got through:

Edit>Preferences>Advanced>Config Editor

Look for some lines:

Nearly all the way at the bottom.

If you have them what is the "Value"?

Set it to Firefox or whatever browser you want.

If you don't have them add them.

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