Onsdag 16 januar 2008 12:15 skrev Carlos E. R.:
> The Wednesday 2008-01-16 at 11:46 +0100, Verner Kjærsgaard wrote:
> > - google (gmail) just made it possible to use IMAP for retrieval of mail.
> > I use SuSE10.2/KDE3.5.8-release 22.3/Kmail 1.9.5
> >
> > But when I set up a folder (I name it GOOGLEMAIL) and connects to my
> > gmail account using the IMAP protocol, Kmail fetches 119320 (!) headers.
> > But I only have around 40000 mails in my Gmail account (total including
> > spam).
> Funny.
> Using fetchmail, gmail imap reports only the new emails (ie, 4 in my
> case):
> Jan 16 12:03:15 nimrodel fetchmail[25868]: IMAP> A0003 SELECT "INBOX"
> Jan 16 12:03:15 nimrodel fetchmail[25868]: IMAP< * FLAGS (\Answered
> \Flagged \Draft \Deleted \Seen) Jan 16 12:03:15 nimrodel fetchmail[25868]:
> IMAP< * OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Draft \Deleted \Seen \*)]
> Jan 16 12:03:15 nimrodel fetchmail[25868]: IMAP< * OK [UIDVALIDITY 2] Jan
> 16 12:03:15 nimrodel fetchmail[25868]: IMAP< * 4 EXISTS
> Jan 16 12:03:15 nimrodel fetchmail[25868]: IMAP< * 0 RECENT
> Jan 16 12:03:15 nimrodel fetchmail[25868]: IMAP< * OK [UNSEEN 4]
> Jan 16 12:03:15 nimrodel fetchmail[25868]: IMAP< * OK [UIDNEXT 124033]
> Jan 16 12:03:15 nimrodel fetchmail[25868]: IMAP< A0003 OK [READ-WRITE]
> INBOX selected. (Success)
> and 4 is what it retrieves. Maybe kmail tries to get the headers of the
> entire thing (124033?).

I just deleted the GOOGLEMAIL folder in my Kmail. Shut down Kmail and started 
over. Created a GOOGLEMAIL folder, setup the IMAP account (named the same...) 
and Kmail started fetching Emails. When it reached 120000+, it crashed. I 
have around 39000 emails in google, just checked again.

I'm not familiar with fetchmail, how do you get to get the dialog you show??

As always, thank you!

Med venlig hilsen/Best regards
Verner Kjærsgaard
Novell Certified Linux Professional 10035701
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