There are two partitions in my OS/2 installation that I wish to have available
to Linux as well; they are formatted with JFS (OS/2 implementation, of course).
I had no difficulty in doing this in openSuSE v10.2, but I am having a knotty
problem with it now, in v10.3.

In fstab, each of these partitions is mounted to its own subdirectory of /mnt.
When I use a terminal in either subdirectory (whether as root or user) to get a
directory of either partition, the answer is that the partition is empty. This
was a nasty surprise, especially becauser the lines in fstab look all right to

To try to get a handle on what is happening, I entered My Computer, and saw
that the two partitions do appear in the right hand column, complete with
correct sizes. Clicking on either one of them brought up a window populated
with all the folders, and these are filled with all the files that should be
there. Most of the folders are shown with padlocks, of course; a few are not,
and I don't understand this either.

Obviously, I can't do anything with the great majority of the folders and
files. But I could, if only I could do some chmod commands in the terminal. But
I can't use the terminal, because it sees nothing. Catch-22.

I would be grateful for some insight into this, so I can access the files.
Again, I had nothing of the sort in v10.2.

Stan Goodman
Qiryat Tiv'on

"Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society."  - 
  Mark Twain
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