On Wednesday 16 January 2008 14:49, Stan Goodman wrote:
> ...
> Obviously, I can't do anything with the great majority of the folders
> and files. But I could, if only I could do some chmod commands in the
> terminal. But I can't use the terminal, because it sees nothing.
> Catch-22.

"Sees nothing?"

Ascertain where those volume are mounted, first:

% df
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
LABEL=Root10      35895684  15595092  20300592  44% /
tmpfs              1036540         0   1036540   0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda1        293008588  91058060 201950528  32% /repo
/dev/sdb1         20962560  11337580   9624980  55% /root93
/dev/sdd1         11962304   6421116   5541188  54% /root91
/dev/sdd2         11961344   6690496   5270848  56% /home
/dev/sdd3         11961344   1242680  10718664  11% /dar

(I chose "df" instead of the more obvious "mount" simply because the 
output is easier to read, in my opinion.)

Presumably you'll recognize which of the file system shown there are the 
two you're concerned with. You can then cd there, chmod or chown (-R) 
to your hearts content (after becoming root, of course).

> I would be grateful for some insight into this, so I can access the
> files. Again, I had nothing of the sort in v10.2.
> --
> Stan Goodman

Randall Schulz
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