The latest mandatory update appears to have killed my server. After running the update, as I have done dozens of times, the server stopped responding to mouse and keyboard input. Ah, xserver problem, thought I. Ctrl-alt-backspace. Now I'm looking at the system console @, I think, runlevel 5. I tried various commands such as xdm, gdm, xserver, etc. (I'm not a CLI guy.) None of the commands did anything useful. Now for the really stupid part. I decided to simulate a power failure. This resulted in a reboot and the reboot attempted to give me a gui logon screen (the little clock icon was running) but it never actually got there. I decided I need some help.

First, be careful when applying this update. Second, does anyone know how I can recover from this upate? I had a very busy day planned so any assistance will be sincerely appreciated.

Don Henson
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