On Friday 25 January 2008 03:42:16 pm Randall R Schulz wrote:
> On Friday 25 January 2008 14:54, Chuck wrote:
> > ...
> >
> > > I'm old school too.  But Suns and SPARCs are yesterday dude :)
> > > Linux and x86-64 are NOW!
> >
> > lawl. Dude Sun and Sarc are going no where any time soon... just the
> > opposite... Sparc IV+ & Solaris 10 dance circles around Linux on any
> > hardware.. You need to spend some time in a true top-tier enterprise
> > class data center. Linux still has scores or limitations holding it
> > back in the enterprise realm. There is a reason the stuff is
> > expensive -- its damn good.
> How do you explain the Googles and Amazons of this world, whose stock OS
> platform for customer-fronted services is Linux?
> I'm not saying Solaris is on its way out, but one can most certainly run
> very-large-scale enterprise operations on Linux. I tend to doubt
> it's "held back."

I had an interesting discussion regarding my data center yeterday. While 
advocating Linux for the data center the topic was brought up that we should 
use a "true server" such as FreeBSD UNIX or another UNIX variant.

I then reminded my peers that Linux runs several thousands of "true servers" 
and we should be the ones to talk, since we run Windows Workstations in our 
data center, with the exception of one ancient HP 3000. 

Oh, and FWIW, Amazon runs everything - Windows, Linux, UNIX, MacOS. They have 
no "platform of choice" and run "whatever works" for the API. I remember 
reading that one amazon.com webpage may be loaded from 50 different servers 
running ten different OS's and variants.

I know this is off-topic, and we should probably be discussing beer or at 
least wet t-shirts, but....

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