On Friday 25 January 2008 19:53:57 Philippe Landau wrote:
> Jonathan Ervine wrote:
> > Complain to Atheros or whoever manufactures your wireless card. Ah
> > yes, they won't listen to you, so it's easier to complain here.
> Wow, obviously you feel the need to attack a list member here.
> Billie Walsh (below) never complained, just explained his troubles.
> Maybe Novell could instead try to find a reply to the question above
> ? Did Novell research that question and what did they find, Jonathan

Blimey, if you thought that was an attack on a list member, you're a 
sensitive soul. Merely a suggestion as to where to lodge a complaint 
regarding a particular piece of hardware (with the proviso that it's 
probably a waste of time).

So, Billie explained her problem with a wireless network card and I 
pointed out where the fault currently lies... That is the simple 
answer - the code is licensed in such a way as to not be freely 
redistributable. However there is a KMP made available, and madwifi.org 
maintain a repo that allows the rest of the code to be available. It's 
not ideal, but it's how things are right now. Is that fair enough, 

Take care,
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