Fernando Martins wrote:
I just came to a point that I would really love to start using portlets all over my Portal. I even find myself coding having in mind how everything will fit into portlets.

Unfortanetly nothing new on:

Are there any thoughts on this or do we have to wait for Rickard to come up with some magic tricks? :)
What is the status of JSR168?

It's almost ready for publid draft. I've read the community draft, and am implementing it in our CMS/portal product SiteVision.

And where can one find more info on it?

The JSR page is about it.

The only biggie that I can see from the spec is that there is now an explicit distinction between action and rendering "actions". Action "actions" (using XWork terminology) are invoked when forms are submitted, and there is only one action "action" being invoked for each page rendering (possibly zero if no form was submitted). There needs to be a new controller that understands this idea, and which also knows how to switch between a bunch of actions, since you can't use the URL (really) to do it. Either a hidden form field or a URL association trick is needed.

There's also some stuff with how JSP's/servlets are included from portlets, and how URL's are constructed (the parameter names need to be encoded with the portlet id on the page), but other than that it's pretty straightforward. We'll do some work in this area once we start working on the Portlet API migration/implementation.


Rickard Öberg

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