Hi Andreas,

Have you tried a cronjob Solution? Start the shutdown by cronjob and not trough 
your application which Starts the shutdown process at System Start 

I don't know whether cronjob works on OTC. It's just an idea

Best regards

Von meinem iPad gesendet

> Am 04.03.2014 um 21:06 schrieb Andreas Mayer <kastenec...@gmail.com>:
> Hello,
> I still have the problem that automatic shutdown of the thinclients does
> not work and some clients in my school run for serveral days or weeks.
> When I create an application like
> sudo shutdown -h 20:30   
> the client shuts down at 20:30. This is good for automatoc stuhdown, but when 
> a user tries to shutdown a client manually, she shutdown process waits until 
> 20:30 o'clock.
> It seems that shutdown can only be run once.
> As we have also fatclients in our network, I don't want our pupil tu poweroff 
> the thinclient by pressing the powerbutton.
> Any ideas to solve the problem?
> Thanks,
> Andreas
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