On Wed, 2016-05-25 at 16:12 +0200, Michael Meyer wrote:
> *** tatooin wrote:
> > Thanks for your reply. I use the default redis configuration file
> > shipped with Kali Rolling. In my redis.conf file, all lines beginning
> > with "save" are NOT commented out:
> > 
> > save 900 1
> > save 300 10
> > save 60 10000
> Stop redis, comment them out and delete the dump.rdb. Start redis.
> Restart the scanner. Does it help?
> root@kali-gis-eur:/var/lib/openvas/mgr# sqlite3 tasks.db "PRAGMA
> > integrity_check;"
> > ok
> Ok...so probably not an tasks.db corruption issue...
> Micha

You just found the root cause ! Doing what you said on redis fixed the
problem. Now I can start my tasks again and create new targets / tasks !

Thank you VERY VERY VERY much ! as I was definitely desperate with

Side questions; I have kept my older tasks.db from my first Openvas
installation right after the first redis corruption. I have important
data in it, so I would like to know if it's possible to merge my current
openvas database with my previous one, and if yes, how ?

Thank you  again !

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