I wanted to use the alert method scp, but found in the documentation very few details.

My first tests were depressing.No report arrived in the planned storage location. So I went to the search for the functionality. In the search in the source code I found a promising script with the name alert in the directory "openvas-manager-6.0.9/src/alert_methods/SCP/"

In the bash script two programs are used. Sshpass and scp. Because sshpass was not installed in my debian, I installed it with apt-get install sshpass.

The second test thereafter was as unsuccessful as the first.To analyze the problem more precisely I wanted to install in the bash script a few debug commands. But I had to find it first in the installation.

I found the script in the installation in a subdirectory of /usr/local/share/openvas/openvasmd/global_alert_methods

I added the following lines after the line "REPORT_FILE=$6"

echo "Password= "$1 > /root/scp.log
echo "USERNAME= "$2 >>/root/scp.log
echo "HOST= "$3 >>/root/scp.log
echo "DEST= "$4 >>/root/scp.log
echo "KNOWN_HOSTS= "$5 >>/root/scp.log
echo "REPORT_FILE= "$6 >>/root/scp.log
The following test unfortunately failed again, it was not even created a logfile.

In the following test I started the script manually with the appropriate parameters to see if the file was transferred and whether a log file is created.

root@sv-openvas ~ # /usr/local/share/openvas/openvasmd/global_alert_methods/2db0 7698-ec49-11e5-bcff-28d24461215b/alert password root /root/csv-rep orts/ test.csv

With this call the file test.csv was transferred and a log file scp.log was written.

I got serious doubts about whether the script was called at all.

Anyone using this functionality?

best regards

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